Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Artifact Seven

DUI/DWI Penalties. 2007. 23 Jan. 2007. http://www.duipenalties.net/ .

This site contains DUI penalties for all of the states. This is an example of Maryland's penalties.

"Implied Consent Laws
Laws involve drivers alleged of driving under the influence to give in to breath, blood, or urine testing for alcohol content are known as 'implied consent laws.' Rejection carries penalties that can include obligatory suspension of a driving license for up to a year.
Blood-Alcohol Concentration
In Maryland, any driver with a blood-alcohol absorption - or BAC - above .08 percent is deemed 'per se intoxicated' under the law. Under this statute, this confirmation is all that is required for a driver to be convicted of Driving Under the Influence (DUI) or Driving While Intoxicated (DWI).
Zero Tolerance Blood-Alcohol Concentration
In all states, 'zero tolerance laws' focus on drivers not of legal drinking age. In Maryland, persons under the age of 21 operating a vehicle with a .02 percent blood-alcohol level or higher than are subject to DUI penalties.
Enhanced Penalty Blood-Alcohol Concentration
In some states there is a more strict punishment for those convicted of DUI with a for the most part high blood-alcohol content at the instance of arrest; this is ordinarily .15 to .20 percent above the legal limit. Enhanced penalty laws are not utilized in Maryland" (1).

  1. How are these penalties decided?
  2. Do these penalties apply to the "Full Faith and Credit" clause?

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