Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Artifact Two

Maryland-DWI.com: Field Sobriety Tests. Jimeno and Gray. 2005. 12 Dec. 2006. http://www.maryland-dwi.com/field_sobriety_tests/index.html.

This website contains the process of testing for drunk drivers. They are used to "divide the driver’s attention from their physical abilities" (1).

There are three tests that are commonly used.

"Horizontal Gaze Nystagmus: Nystagmus is the involuntary jerking of the eyes caused by alcohol – and thirty (30) or so other influences, like smoke or fumes. Officers test each eye in a variety of ways to check for this abnormal eye movement, which is used to show the presence of alcohol in your system.

Walk and Turn: The officer will instruct the driver to stand in an instructional position, place one foot in front of another, and listen to the instructions. The officer will then have the driver walk heel to toe nine steps in one direction, complete a specific pivot turn, and walk nine steps back. Among the observations the police officer makes is whether the driver makes heel to toe contact, keeps his or her feet on the line and takes a correct number of steps.

One Leg Stand: During the one leg stand test, the officer will instruct the driver to stand on one leg while lifting the other off the ground and count out loud. The officer watches for a number of 'clues', including whether the driver is using arms for balance, swaying, counting correctly or starting the test prior to being instructed to do so" (1).

  1. Are there any more tests that are used by the police?
  2. What happens if the driver fails the test?
  3. What happens if the driver passes the test?

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